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Ann Hornaday

The fun ride of ‘M:I – Fallout’

In “Mission: Impossible – Fallout,” the sixth installment of the espionage-action franchise, Tom Cruise’s Ethan Hunt receives his latest instructions by way of an old-fashioned tape recorder...

‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’ is ho-hum, but endearing

One of the nicest things about “Ant-Man,” the 2015 origin story of the eponymous Marvel superhero, was its modesty and congeniality: Sure, “Guardians of the Galaxy” had already come out, inj...

‘Tag’ is a fun yet forgettable bromantic comedy with a nimble cast

“Tag,” a genial comedy about best buds who have been playing the same game of tag for 30 years, is about arrested adolescence at its core. And this haphazard collection of setups, stunts and...

Toni Collette is masterful as a mother terrorized by secrets in the super-creepy ‘Hereditary’

Creepy, creepy, creepy. Writer-director Ari Aster makes an impressively unnerving debut with “Hereditary,” a meticulously crafted horror thriller starring Toni Collette. As Annie,...

A timeless tale of good vs. evil

Ava DuVernay’s adaptation of “A Wrinkle in Time” arrives with more than its share of hype, generated by fans dedicated to Madeleine L’Engle’s 1962 children’s book, as well as by DuVernay’s d...

Review: Black Panther

“Black Panther,” an adaptation of the iconic comic book that has been decades in coming, proves to be more than worth the wait. This lush, impressively well-acted film, about an African king...

Review: Downsizing

You know how Hollywood doesn’t make original movies anymore? Well, “Downsizing” is here to fix that. Weird and wonderful, zigging where it should zag and zagging where it should zig, this wi...

‘The Square’ punctures the pretensions of the modern art world

Swedish filmmaker Ruben Ostlund possesses an exceptionally crisp, legible way of creating images. His frames are simply but elegantly composed, and he choreographs bodies within natural and ...

George Clooney’s ‘Suburbicon’ bristles with rage and bitter humor

An uneasy, tonally awkward testament to the sourball heart of the candy-colored American Dream, George Clooney’s “Suburbicon” can’t be described as a home run. But as an artifact of its era,...

‘The Mountain Between Us’: Part survival drama, part romance, after a plane crash

As snowflakes go, few are more special than the ones that alight with pristine delicacy on Idris Elba’s eyebrows in “The Mountain Between Us.” Those preternaturally attractive snowflakes kno...

Fall movie lineup is full of promise

Summer 2017 is already going down in history as one of Hollywood’s worst in recent memory, notwithstanding such standouts as “Wonder Woman,” “Dunkirk” and the little-rom-com-that-could, “The...

Lawrence radiates grit in ‘mother!’

“mother!,” Darren Aronofsky’s tour de force of allegorical misdirection, is about many things, in succession and simultaneously. What begins as a creepily insinuating chamber piece of domest...